Bay Front Park
Visit WebsiteIsland Park Dr, Sarasota, FL 34236, USA

Bayfront Park is an area of Sarasota, Florida along Sarasota Bay that includes a marina and the Chidsey Library building
Children’s Fountain
Children’s Fountain is located in Bay Front Park (Ringling Blvd. & Bay Front Drive.)
Operating Hours:
Summer Hours (Memorial Day to Labor Day): 10a.m.-7p.m. * Daily, weather permitting
Winter Hours (Labor Day to Oct. 31 & Apr.1 to Memorial Day): 10a.m.-5p.m. * Daily, weather permitting
Closed Easter, Independence Day.
Winter Closure: Last day open is October 31 and will reopen April. 1; call (941) 365-5318 for current status.