April 06 2020 By: Denise Campbell

Covid-19, This is no Vacation

Welcome to the new normal. The onset of Covid-19 has produced tremendous fluctuation in our daily, hourly and even moment-to-moment lives. We are facing an unprecedented global event which has swiftly flipped communities and businesses upside-down. Some people are completely out of work and out-of-business. Yet, when able, communities are supporting businesses which remain open, in an effort to support the livelihood of those lucky enough to be employed. We are witnessing despair in our community. We are simultaneously encountering beautiful acts of kindness, heroism and genuine support for our fellow neighbors. Ultimately, our humanity is walking path together toward the unknown, and that’s about all we can be certain of right now.

We, at Altez Vacations, remain cautiously optimistic amidst the wavering uncertainty and concern. Some days we are fearful. Some days we are just ok. And some days fill our hearts full of hope and the love of community. But mostly, we attempt to remain rooted in optimism.

We are confined physically as we distance socially in our new normal. We rely on technology to connect us with our family and loved ones. Being home for a month (or more) may seem like an invitation for a stay-at-home vacation – but the truth is, this is no vacation. We believe getting through this requires a bit of ‘work’ simply because there is no road-map for where we’re going.

When we are able (mentally, physically, physiologically, and emotionally) we are trying to:

  • Rest and reset with self-care and nourishment.
  • Self-audit and repair, correct, add or remove parts of ourselves we’d like to change.
  • Strengthen relationships and reach out to loved ones from yester-year.
  • Allow feelings to come and go, authentically and wholly.
  • Get creative – art making is fun and therapuetic, talented or not!
  • Try a new recipe. Learn and new craft. Play a new game.
  • Keep a routine. Keep active. Keep a sense of humor.
  • Keep faith, hope and optimism as our intention for each day.

Here are a few ways we are living through this experience with optimism, hope and faith.


Take a walk. Go for a run. Get some vitamin D and practice social distancing outside. Ride a bike. Go fishing. Play ball in your yard. Chalk paint your sidewalk. Throw a frisbee. Have dinner outside. Just keep a safe 6 ft. away from others.


Silence is uncomfortable for many people. But, it can be quite soothing and somewhat healing to the frenzied emotions we feel, especially during times like this. Take some time to curl up in a cozy spot and enjoy reading an old book. Or if you’re so inclined, sit in meditation pose with gentle music and close your eyes. Don’t seek anything in particular – just sit for as long as you are able and focus solely on the breath. Breathe in for 6 counts, hold for 2-3 and exhale for another 6. Let your mind rest as you breathe fully belly breaths. Enjoy the softening of your body, mind and spirit.

There are a number of free offerings online if you are interested in practicing yoga at this time. An easy YouTube search will bring up a variety of types, levels and session durations for you to choose from.

Pineapple Yoga Studio has online yoga class rentals here.

One Yoga has free videos here.


We don’t know what another might be going through at any given time. Especially now. We don’t know if they’re having a ‘down’ day or worried about a loved one who is ill or serving on the front lines. Showing kindness is one of the best gifts we can give to those we pass across the 6ft threshold in the grocery aisle or pharmacy. Showing kindness matters, now more than ever.

About The Author
Denise Campbell

Denise is a member of the Altez Vacations team with a background in higher education, consulting and coaching. Her biggest passion lies in helping people find simple and effective ways to live authentically and abundantly.

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